Blogging is such a dynamic medium and living in this Web 2.0 world we've come to appreciate that the internet doesn't have to be just one big book. There are so many ways to communicate and express yourself and one of the methodologies that has continually gained popularity in light of the iPod is of course podcasting!
So allow me the pleasure of featuring our very first podcasting duo - The Dan and Rye Show!
The Dan and Rye Show is a pretty robust podcast site given they take the time to maintain a full website along with a Yahoo! Group to provide followers of the podcast a venue for meeting fellow fans and to exchange ideas.
One can expect a new podcast to become available once-a-week at the very most but more likely one every three days based on recent trending, which is fine by me. You can either download the podcasts from the site or via iTunes or you can listen to the updates from the site itself. The variety of options is great and helps many different users get access to the "entries".
As for the content in itself, they're loads of fun. This is a mixed language podcast so non-Filipino-speaking followers might have some difficulty understanding this particular pair but for the rest of us we're more than free to enjoy the fun.
Topics range from entertainment to whatever it is that comes to mind for Dan and Rye. Some updates may seem to have what heavy topics for discussion while others are downright campy, as they should be. If you want to add a refreshing Filipino gay podcast to your playlist, this is definitely a must-have for your subscriptions.
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